Privacy policy

At ASTREA Publishing LLC we respect your privacy. Protecting your personal information is essential to us.

In the following, we would like to list you in more detail with the method of collecting, storing, protecting, using and transmitting the data we have obtained from or about you.

The Privacy Policy before you describes our practices regarding the information about users of our websites.

By using the this website, you agree to the general terms of privacy stated below.



The management of personal data in store, as defined by the EU General Regulation on Personal Data and the applicable law governing personal data - GDPR is:

ASTREA LLC, Smledniška cesta 16, 4000 Kranj, Slovenia, EU, phone number: +386 4 2351 020


ASTREA Publishing LLC (hereinafter: ASTREA) is the controller of personal data data for the processing and storage of your personal data.



We collect and process your data in accordance with the regulations governing the protection of personal data or the processing of individual personal data.

We obtain your personal data if you explicitly communicate them using our site, ordering our service, requesting e-mail, etc.

Non-personal information such as the manufacturing data used in other daily data that we automatically obtain when we use our services.

Until the moment you entrust us with your personal data (such as name and surname, e-mail address, etc.), so that all data obtained automatically when we use our services, anonymous data can no longer be identified in the identity of users, nor do we ascertain.



Upon your visit to our website, ASTREA obtains the following device information and other log data based on your consent:

- date and time of the website visit

- device type

- operating system and operating system version

- manufacturer and model of your device

- model and version of your web browser

- your IP address.

If you enter and confirm the entry of your personal data on our website, such as e.g. name and surname, e-mail address, telephone number, etc., we will connect your devices with your personal data so that we can identify which sites you have visited with the parameters from the list above. All future visits to the website will also be paired with your personal data, unless you so wish (GDPR Article 7 - Rights of Individuals).


Cookies are small text files that most websites temporarily store in the memory of the device with which users access the web. Cookies are not harmful and are always time-limited. They are used to identify your device the next time you visit a website.

More information about cookies:

At ASTREA, we carefully adhere to the principle of the minimum amount of data provided by law, so we collect only those data that are relevant, relevant and absolutely necessary in order to provide better services to users.



In accordance with the legislation governing the protection of personal data, we may process your personal data: 

- on the basis of a contract - where the processing of data is necessary for the conclusion and implementation of the contract,- based on consent - you explicitly consent to the processing of data, and you can revoke the consent at any time,

- on the basis of a legitimate interest - when ASTREA has a legitimate interest in the processing of your personal data, in which case each individual has the right to object (GDPR Article 7 - Rights of individuals),

- on the basis of the law - when we are obliged to do so by law (e.g. data we keep due to tax liabilities).

It is only mandatory to provide personal data that we collect on the basis of the requirements of the law. The provision of personal data that we need to conclude and perform the contract is voluntary. Please note that we cannot perform the contractual service without all the necessary information. Giving consent is always voluntary and consent can be revoked at any time. Please note that certain services such as e.g. electronic notification, we cannot provide without your consent.



We collect and use the data in order to provide users with the best possible user experience of our website and our services.  

ASTREA undertakes to process your data only for specific, explicit and lawful purposes and not in a manner incompatible with this Privacy Policy. 

ASTREA may use your personal information for one or more of the purposes defined below: 

- responding to your inquiries and communicating with you regarding the provision of our services (customer support, notifications about the eduLAB service, notifications about new services or upgrades to existing services).

- concluding a contract and fulfilling contractual obligations (orders for the eduLAB service).

- statistical analyzes for the purpose of improving the user experience and business performance.

- marketing communication tailored to the individual to make you as interesting and useful as possible.

- transmission of data to third parties, only in cases of ensuring safe and legal operations and fulfillment of legal obligations (e.g. transmission of your personal data to the competent tax office).

- dispute resolution and enforcement of legal claims.

In such cases, the exercise and protection of our rights may result in the disclosure of personal information, only under the conditions and in the manner required by law. Except in the above cases, we will not share your personal information with anyone.



We protect your data from loss, destruction, falsification and illegal or unauthorized access or use through a range of technical and organizational measures: 

- regular maintenance and updating of the software and hardware where your personal information is stored

- regular maintenance and updating of antivirus software

- backing up data

- careful operation of employees in the processing of your personal data

- control over employees who access your personal information.

In the event of a breach of personal data protection, ASTREA will immediately notify the competent supervisory authority, represented by the Information Commissioner in the Republic of Slovenia, or will report the breach to the police in case of suspicion of committing a criminal offense. We will retain your information in accordance with the law for as long as necessary to achieve the purposes set forth in this Privacy Policy, unless a longer retention period would be necessary or permitted by law.



Rights you have in connection with the processing of your personal data: 

- Access to personal data - the controller must, at the request of the individual, confirm whether his personal data are processed and allow him to access them

- Correction of personal data - the individual has the right to have the controller correct inaccurate data or supplement incomplete data of the individual as soon as possible

- Restriction of personal data processing - an individual may request that ASTREA restrict the processing of data, in case the accuracy of the data is checked, etc.

- Deletion of personal data - an individual may request the deletion of his personal data when it is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected and there are no other legal grounds or reasons for deletion

- Objection to the processing of personal data - the data subject has the right to object to the processing of data for the purposes of direct marketing

- Right to data portability - the individual has the right to request from the controller a printout of personal data provided to the controller in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable form

- Withdrawal of consent - an individual may at any time withdraw consent to the processing of their personal data, as a result of which ASTREA may no longer be able to provide services related to this data.  

In order to ensure the accuracy of personal data, please notify us of any changes, corrections or additions to your personal data as soon as possible at and we will take care of the correction or additions to the data as soon as possible. All rights can be exercised with a written request to the ASTREA operator, which you send to the e-mail address or to the address ASTREA LLC, Smledniška 16, 4000 Kranj, Slovenia, EU.

ASTREA undertakes to respond to the request of the data subject without undue delay, but no later than within the legally prescribed deadlines. 



ASTREA reserves the right to adapt this Personal Data Protection Statement from time to time to the actual situation and legislation in the field of personal data protection. For this reason, we ask you to check the current version before each transfer of personal data to be informed of any changes and additions. 

Kranj, August 2020